Conversations in Tusculum
- Nov 11, 2012 - Nov 24, 2012
- 751 Paseo Nuevo Santa Barbara CA, California 93101
November 11 through 24, 2012
Dijo Productions Presents
Conversations in Tusculum
by Richard Nelson
The Plot to Assassinate Julius Caesar
Playwright Richard Nelson is the recipient of a Tony Award, an Olivier Award, two Obie Awards and a New York Drama Critic’s Circle Award. Conversations in Tusculum brings to life the intense and controversial interactions among Brutus, Cassius, and Cicero leading up to the assassination of Julius Caesar. It is a riveting new work about power and its abuse, and shows how ancient Rome has startling resonance with our age. The New York Times review by Ben Brantley stated: "Set in country villas outside of Rome in the months before Caesar's assassination, Conversations in Tusculum imagines the frustrations of fiery senators and warriors reduced to brooding in self-imposed isolation about the endangered civil freedoms of their republic." He also described it as "a deeply felt study of the hopelessness that comes with inaction."
Director/actor Ed Giron has had recent theatre roles in Frost/Nixon (Indy Award for Performance) and English Bride in Santa Barbara, and Heartbreak House and Richard III in Los Angeles. His directing credits include The Persians, The Exonerated, Inherit the Wind, and English Bride.
Featured in the cast are Ed Giron (most recently having appeared in and directed English Bride at Center Stage), William Waxman (most recently seen at Center Stage in English Bride), Jerry Oshinsky (seen in The Exonerated and Vagina Monologues at Center Stage), Aden Hailu (seen at Center Stage in The Exonerated), Philip Levere(seen in The Exonerated at Center Stage), and Maia Mook (most recently seen at Center Stage in Vagina Monologues and The Exonerated).
The staged reading of Conversations in Tusculum will be in tandem with another historical play, a production of New Jerusalem by David Ives.
TIMES: Sunday, November 11, at 8:00 P.M.
TIMES: Tuesday, November 13, at 8:00 P.M.
TIMES: Saturday, November 24, at 2:00 P.M.
TICKETS: $22 general, $18 students and Seniors
All seating is general admission. All ticket sales are final at the time of purchase. There are no refunds or exchanges.
BOX OFFICE (805) 963-0408 (V/TDD)
PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE Click for a complete listing