December Workshop Performances

December Workshop Performances


December 10 , 2016

The Adderley School presents

December Workshop Performances

Students from the Adderley School for the Performing Arts present musical theater performances as a culmination of their recent workshop training.

TIMES: Saturday, December 10, at 10:30 A.M.

TIMES: Saturday, December 10, at 12:00 P.M.

TIMES: Saturday, December 10, at 2:00 P.M.

TIMES: Saturday, December 10, at 3:30 P.M.

TIMES: Saturday, December 10, at 5:30 P.M.

TICKETS: $33 VIP, $23 general, $18 children, $18 groups of 10 or more for a single performance

All seating is general admission. All ticket sales are final at the time of purchase. There are no refunds or exchanges. For all performances late seating is on a limited basis, or is not allowed at all once the performance begins. Please plan your arrival time accordingly.


BOX OFFICE (805) 963-0408 (V/TDD)

December 12, 2016

The Las Cumbres Observatory presents

LCO Astronomy Talk Series

The Most Mysterious Star in the Galaxy

Featuring Prof. Tabetha Boyajian 

The NASA Kepler Mission provided four year-long, ultra-precise light curves for over 150,000 stars–in hopes of finding the sign of transiting planets. In Kepler's field of view was KIC 8462852, a star that citizen scientists identified to have unusual, random patterns in its light curve. Prof. Tabetha Boyajian will talk about the discovery, the current leading theories, and future work planned to study this star.

Prof. Tabetha Boyajian is an assistant professor at Louisiana State University studying the fundamental properties of stars, and works to characterize the host stars of planets in other systems. In February 2016, Prof. Boyajian gave a TED talk on this mysterious object. Prof. Boyajian is also the manager of the Planet Hunters project, which utilizes citizen scientists to search for signals of planets among the Kepler space telescope data.

For more information, visit

TIMES: Monday, December 12, at 7:00 P.M. (NOTE EARLY TIME)

TICKETS: Free, admittance on a first-come-first-served basis

All seating is general admission. All ticket sales are final at the time of purchase. There are no refunds or exchanges. For all performances late seating is on a limited basis, or is not allowed at all once the performance begins. Please plan your arrival time accordingly.


BOX OFFICE (805) 963-0408 (V/TDD)