Headless Household

Headless Household


September 12, 2105

Household Ink presents

Headless Household 


CD Release Windging

Headless Household returns to a Center Stage Theater near you, on Saturday, September 12. After a few years away from a favorite old haunt, Center Stage Theater—where the group has played 20 concerts, mostly around xmas, starting in the now 25-year-old theater's very first year—the weirdly eclectic and edgy, yet weirdly pleasant band is back. This time out, the release of the long labored-over new (and ninth) Headless Household album, Balladismo—a "mostly ballads" project, with detours—with side trips through the bulging Headless songbook, going back nearly 32 years.

Kickstarter friends helped make Balladismo possible, along with the kindness of guest musicians, and a poetic touch by graphic designer/ photographer Kim Reierson (who has graced many a Household Ink Records project). As usual, the core charter membered group (keyboarder Dick Dunlap, drummer/engineer Tom Lackner, bassist Chris Symer, guitarist/song-construction-worker Joe Woodard) were joined by a friendly, talented posse of guests, many with many years invested as “Honorary Householders.” Familiar faces and voices appear on the new album, including tenor saxist Tom Buckner and internationally-known alto saxist Dave Binney, trumpeter/vocalist Nate Birkey, guest vocalists Glen Phillips and Julie Christensen, bassist David Piltch, violinist Sally Barr, pedal steel man Bill Flores, and a new member of the Household family, the wonderful and flexible singer Nicole Lvoff (who will be at the Center Stage show).

The Center Stage show will lean into the Balladismo chapter, but trip along the byways of the Headless Household discography to date, all on the in-house Household Ink Records label: Headless Household (1987), Inside/Outside USA (1993), ITEMS (1995), Free Associations (1999), mockhausen (2000), post-Polka (2003), Blur Joan (2005), Basemento (2010), Balladism (2015). The wayward adventure continues, heeding the headless impulse.

For more information, visit and/or

TIMES: Saturday, September 12, at 8:00 P.M.

TICKETS: $17 general, $12 students and seniors

All seating is general admission. All ticket sales are final at the time of purchase. There are no refunds or exchanges. For all performances late seating is on a limited basis, or is not allowed at all once the performance begins. Please plan your arrival time accordingly.


BOX OFFICE (805) 963-0408 (V/TDD)