Into the Heart of a New Dimension

Into the Heart of a New Dimension

Ticketing Information

TICKETS: $35 general (in advance), $40 general (at the door) 
All seating is general admission. All ticket sales are final at the time of purchase. There are no refunds or exchanges. For all performances late seating is on a limited basis, or is not allowed at all once the performance begins. Please plan your arrival time accordingly.

Transform Though Arts Theater presents

August 18, 2018
Transform Though Arts Theater presents
Into the Heart of a New Dimension 


August 18, 2018
Transform Though Arts Theater presents
Into the Heart of a New Dimension 
Into the heart of a new dimension Multi Media Dance Show
Join us in a beautiful message of empowerment, love and creativity on August 18th at Center Stage theater. Into the heart of a new dimension is a multi media dance show that takes you on a magical journey of new dimensions of love and consciousness through dance, live music and visual art. The show will be inspirational and educational in nature. Through Argentine Tango, Latin, Aerials, Theater Arts and Live Music audience willl be taken on a journey of exploration of new frontiers of consciousness.
A Benefit of ''Art without limit'' Non profit that mentors young artists.
more information at
TIMES: Saturday, August 18 at 8:00 pm
TICKETS: $35 general (in advance), $40 general (at the door) 
All seating is general admission. All ticket sales are final at the time of purchase. There are no refunds or exchanges. For all performances late seating is on a limited basis, or is not allowed at all once the performance begins. Please plan your arrival time accordingly.
«August 2018»