Magellanica (parts 1-5)

Magellanica (parts 1-5)


January 30, 2016

PlayFest Santa Barbara presents

Magellanica (parts 1-5)

By E.M. Lewis

A reading of a new play directed by R. Michael Gros, presented in two performances. Parts 1-3 at 2:00, followed by Parts 4 and 5 at 7:00.

In winter 1985, eight scientists travel to Antarctica to find out if there really is a hole in the sky. Magellanica is a fictional account of a very real moment in history, when the existence of a hole in the ozone layer became the subject of international debate. An epic adventure about our responsibilities to the planet we inhabit and the people who live here with us!

TIMES: Parts 1-3 Saturday, January 30, at 2:00 P.M.

Parts 4 and 5 Saturday, January 30, at 7:00 P.M. (NOTE EARLY TIME)

TICKETS: $23 general, $18 students and seniors

All seating is general admission. All ticket sales are final at the time of purchase. There are no refunds or exchanges. For all performances late seating is on a limited basis, or is not allowed at all once the performance begins. Please plan your arrival time accordingly.


BOX OFFICE (805) 963-0408 (V/TDD)